Game Reviews Are Broken!

I truly believe now, that Game reviews are broken. there just bullpoop. I used to go heavily off of game reviews from Gamespot and IGN, but now... Meh. If you look at the difference between the UK reviews on IGN and US reviews, the UK ones come in higher... but why is that?

I find that most of the time the expectations of games are so silly these days, that its less about enjoying them and more about the Hype that drags along with them, or how brilliant the graphics are. Don't get me wrong, I love a good looking game. I was blown away by Heavenly Sword on the PS3. the title menu made me cum. But look at the Wii. Its not in true HD, but look how great the game play mechanics are on some of the games. Have you seen the look of the new Wario title? 2D!! But it looks stunning. Mixed with the mechanics its nothing but a brilliant title.

Anyhow, I think I went off track there. Basically, if your thinking about getting a game you really looking forward to, but then read the stupid, bias, over expectorant, highly paid Review of commercial sites, and then think "hang on a sec, maybe its not worth the buy after all!", then give your self a slap...

Remember there is only usually one guy/girl reviewing these games, yea they go through proofing and such. but really its just one persons Opinion... try looking at a few. the User reviews. or even simpler. Go out and buy the game your hyped about and play it! Make your own opinion abut it.

In case you can't tell i am a total Console Nut, I am totally unbiased towards Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. I think they are all fantastic consoles, all with there good points and bad points, good games, and utter crap games. I could talk about games for hours. And my obsession is getting a little scary. Though I'm not one of these people that insist on yelling "n00b" at people better than me on Xbox Live, or breathing down the mic like I am orgasming over every bullet that penetrates my enemy's puny weak Virtual flesh... *ahem*

Basicaly, go out and buy a game if you are looking forward to it, then read the reviews after you've played it.


Reikro said...

Thats true. I remember a few years ago there were a raging debate going on in Play magazine about game scoring. If it still goes on I'm not sure as I stopped buying Play a long time ago. Anyway, this is where the online connectivity of current consoles comes in handy so one can try out demos and make up your own mind. However I still enjoy reading games magazines but games, like art, music, movies, everything is entirely subjective thing, and ultimately the only opinion that matters is your own.